Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am very embarrased to say that I never even introduced myself. My name is Neikie, and the reason why I am writing this blog, is to let my ideas run wild with me.
Like I have said, I am very creative, but I don't get time to work on it, so yhis is where I will put all my crazy thoughts and ideas forward. If no one reads it, I'm sure I'll be fine with it, at least I will be able to come back to this to see my own work if I find a use for it.
If there are some one following, you will learn that with me, everyday is different and new. the one day I might go about a book I've read, or my day teaching, and the next I will go on about the chickens taking over the world. Or maybe the rainbow coloured bunnies who ate all my friend's furniture.
Yeah Yeah I know! I might sound out of it some times, but that's just me. And this is how everyone loves me! (or maybe they just pretent to love me for they're affraid I might go crazy on them). Either way, I'm happy (most of the time) and I wouldn't change for anything!
Fanx 4ya ears


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Thank you for reading Neikie's dreams! All your comments are well-apreciated.

Enjoy your day!
